HollandBIO connects and supports the Dutch biotech industry. We currently represent 175 companies in the field of medical, agrifood and industrial biotech. And, HollandBIO is growing steadily. Today, we are proud to announce that TXT INSIGHT B.V. joined our community.
TXT INSIGHT B.V. is a Dutch information technology company with a mission to empower life science businesses with artificial intelligence. Drug discovery/development is time-consuming and knowledge-intensive. Considerable time is spend on finding, collecting and reading relevant literature. Finding the relevant information in text documents is more than often a manual, time consuming and labor-intensive process.
TXT INSIGHT B.V. develops fully customized intelligent computer systems that help automating the task of reading and interpreting textual information. We apply IBM Watson’s proven natural language processing technology that enables computers to understand natural language and industry-specific jargon in a human way. Cognitive systems designed by TXT INSIGHT assist knowledge workers to find and explore relevant information and insights as and when required, with less effort and in much shorter time windows. Additional advantages include the scalability of the text processing solutions and its ability to quickly re-analyse exsting text documents based on newly acquired insights. What would you do when the information you need is just a few mouse clicks away?
TXT INSIGHT was founded in 2017. The company is an official IBM Watson-certified Business Partner, with a solid background in life sciences as well as text analytics. (https://txt-insight.com).