HollandBIO welcomes Oncode as a new member
HollandBIO connects and supports the Dutch biotech industry. We represent 200 companies in the field of medical, agrifood and industrial biotech. And, HollandBIO is growing steadily. Today, we are proud to announce that Oncode joined the HollandBIO community!
Oncode wants to drive breakthrough innovations in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The ultimate goal is to enable patients to survive cancer, improve the quality of life for those affected by cancer and contribute to a more affordable health care system. To put it simple: outsmarting cancer, impacting lives.
To do so, Oncode has joined the forces of over 800 molecular cancer researchers in 62 research groups across 12 universities and research institutes in The Netherlands. Our scientists work under a common strategy, with six defined research themes. We break with the competitive model of science and facilitate collaboration between scientists and with the private sector.
Societal and economic impact is a critical component of Oncode’s unique approach. We work hard to make sure that new findings from the lab, find their way to patients in the most optimal way. Academic research results manifest themselves as intellectual assets in the form of people, scientific publications, know-how, data, research tools, biological materials, software and inventions. Oncode aims to accelerate the development of such discoveries into clinical and economic benefits.
Their dedicated team of business development specialists forms a single point of contact for both our research community and the life science ecosystem in The Netherlands and abroad. We aim to create value for the Dutch life sciences sector by investing in the development of new technologies and products, building close interactions with industry to develop durable partnerships, attract international investments and research funding and by creating, growing and retaining oncology companies in the Netherlands.
Oncode is funded by the Dutch Cancer Foundation, together with the Dutch ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate Policy, the ministry of Education Culture & Science, the ministry of Health, Welfare & Sport, Health~Holland, NWO and ZonMw with a total of €120 million until 2022. This long term funding allows our scientists to take steps into uncharted territory and start high risk – high gain projects. We believe that this approach will lead to new paradigms for treating and diagnosing cancer.
Do you want to learn more about the possibilities to collaborate with Oncode, please reach out to Yuva Oz