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HollandBIO welcomes CR2O as a new member

HollandBIO connects, represents and supports the Dutch life science sector. We are very proud that we already represent over 260 companies: from start-ups, small and medium-sized companies to large companies, active in health, food or biobased economy. Today we welcome CR2O!

CR2O is a full service contract research organisation and your clinical operations partner for every drug developmental service and challenge during your clinical trial lifecycle.

We contribute to the development of innovative therapies for those in need, leveraging our immunology and infectious disease experience and network.

While covering a broad range of therapeutic areas, our primary expertise lies in the immunology and infectious disease domain, across all phases (I-IV). There, we have worked together with 75+ study centres across the globe. Prof. dr. Ab Osterhaus, our CSO and a world-renowned virologist, firmly believes that the development of intervention strategies for human infectious diseases can be accelerated through the clinical programs supported by CR2O.

We are engaged in multiple public, private and academic clinical programs. Our cross-functional teams support several CEPI and Horizon2020 programs, through management and implementation of clinical development strategies, across the globe. At CR2O, we also believe that supporting early stage Pharma and Biotech partners is instrumental for driving innovation towards real-world applications with high societal impact. One example is our partnership with Dyadic international (USA), developing vaccine- and antibody candidates using an innovative highly-productive fungal C1-cell protein manufacturing system significantly reducing cost of goods.  

Our clients testify;

“As a US based biotech company, we were looking for a European CRO partner, expert in the design and execution of our programme. We found that CR2O employs highly qualified and experienced Life Sciences professionals with expertise in preclinical and clinical design work and support. Their people are equipped to deliver top-quality services that rival the larger CROs. We have greatly appreciated  the added value and experience of working with the CR2O team and are grateful for the way that they paid attention to our programme and all the partners. They are a friendly and professional team – we highly recommend them!”

“CR2O provides essential expertise on early clinical development and I much appreciate their personal involvement, enthusiasm and professional way of working.”

Since 2012, we have grown our knowledge-based ecosystem to include all essential elements of drug development. From bench to bedside:

  • Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls (CMC) advice and Management

Our CMC experts support you at every step of the product lifecycle. From early development strategies up to and including the preparation of your marketing application (MAA or NDA), we offer the full range of clinical trial services.

  • Nonclinical partners

Whether you need expert guidance to design your nonclinical program from the beginning, or whether you need experienced insight to conduct a gap analysis for an existing program, the nonclinical drug development consultants will be offering their services.

  • Regulatory expertise

Our team of experienced, former regulators take ownership of regulatory strategies and translation to clinical trial design and endpoints.

  • Product development team

Our Project Lead coordinates the cross functional team of CMC, nonclinical, regulatory, quality and clinical experts towards measurable deliverables within specs.

  • Clinical operations

Our highly motivated and experienced cross-functional clinical study teams, that help you to effectively execute your clinical trials from protocol writing up to and including analysis and reporting.

Visit us at www.CR2O.nl