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RSNN Special Interest Group Advanced Therapies Workshop

Van derden


During the RSNN SIG Advanced Therapies workshop, you will be invited to provide input on challenges in ATMP development, assessment, and access as perceived by different stakeholders. This will be done through plenary identification and prioritization of challenges proposed by the multistakeholder audience. Next, in smaller groups, each challenge will be assessed in more detail on stakeholder-specific needs, implications, and responsibilities, including how to address these challenges. A plenary discussion will bring the main findings and challenges together to allow for further input from all stakeholders. Your input will be used to set the agenda for future activities of the RSNN and its partners. You are kindly invited to reflect prior to the workshop on current challenges that impede the development, assessment, and access of Advanced Therapies, to facilitate an informed and in-depth public assessment.

Date: Tuesday 6 June 2023, 09:30-13:00 (prior to RSNN Annual workshop 2023)
Location: Villa Jongerius, Utrecht
Registration: Free of charge, click here to register
Audience: All stakeholders involved in development and assessment of Advanced Therapies in the Netherlands

09:00 – 09:30 – Coffee and registration
09:30 – 12:30 – Interactive workshop
12:30 – 13:00 – Lunch
13.00 -17.00 RSNN Annual Workshop (please note that separate registration is required)

For more information & registration, please visit the event website.