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Regulatory science research needs launch event

Van derden


Gaps exist in regulatory science exist that need addressing to improve medicine development and evaluation, to enable patients to access innovative medicines that address their needs.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has identified around one hundred such topics and published them on 15 December 2021 as the ‘Regulatory science research needs’ initiative.

With this initiative, EMA seeks to stimulate researchers and funding organisations to consider addressing these needs in their research work and funding programmes, respectively.

EMA is organising this online webinar to inform academic researchers and research funders to launch its regulatory science research needs initiative. The event will inform the public and stakeholders about these needs and how they can engage with them.

Topics addressed during the webinar include:

  • Rationale for the regulatory science research needs initiative
  • Introduction to the regulatory science research needs list
  • Academic perspectives and opportunities for academia to collaborate on and receive support for regulatory science research
  • Funders’ perspectives on regulatory aspects in grant calls and funded projects

There will be an interactive Q&A sessions for answering audience questions.

Presentations are given by EMA experts and representatives of academia.

The event will be broadcast live. A video recording of the event will be made available after the event.

More information & registration

See the website.