Gene Therapy Helpathon: Unlock New Frontiers in Human Health!
09/10/24 -
Helpathon Hotel invites you to join its cutting-edge Helpathon on gene therapy on October 9th and 10th. This field opens up a whole new range of really exciting innovative human health diagnosis and therapy possibilities!
About the event
We are calling for specialists (clinicians, biomedical researchers, policy makers, innovation managers, DEC members, funders) and general members of the public to explore in a safe place the possibilities of animal-free innovation in this up-and-coming health research area. We invite you to address hands-on questions regarding risk and ethics… and explore if and where animal models can be avoided altogether in this field of personalized medicine.
📆 9-10 October 2024
🕒 12:00 – 21:00 / 08:30 – 12:00
📍 Online & 0|2 Lab Building, Amsterdam
For whom?
This Helpathon is for everyone with an interest in animal-free research. Whether your background is in medicine, veterinary medicine, life sciences, toxicology, pharmacy, or another related field, we need your help and welcome your participation. We are looking for both specialists — including clinicians, biomedical researchers, policymakers, innovation managers, DEC members, and funders — and enthusiastic members of the public who are eager to help the team of Francesca, Coen* and Terry!