EFIB 2023

Samen met hollanbio, Met korting, Van derden

24/10/23 -

Discount for HollandBIO members

HollandBIO members receive a substantial discount on Industry and SME rates. To obtain the discount, indicate on the registration form that you are a member (will be checked). 


Industrial biotechnology in a sustainable and resilient global Europe 

This year’s European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology & the Bioeconomy (EFIB) Conference will take place in Rotterdam on the 24th and 25th of October. EFIB 2023 is dedicated to exploring how industrial biotechnology and the bioeconomy supports European competitiveness, bringing together professionals from across the value chain to discuss advancements from industrial biotechnology and its contribution towards positioning Europe as a global leader in addressing societal and sustainability challenges. Participants include industry of all sizes, as well as the community that enables industry to deliver, including researchers, policy makers, regulators, and global organisations.  

SME Village 

Meet Europe’s best SMEs in the dedicated SME Village, where innovative growing companies from start-up onwards showcase their contributions into Europe’s industrial biotechnology landscape.  The hottest prospects are selected for Start Up Hour elevator pitches, and the EFIB audience of industry and investors hear first-hand from Europe’s next generation of business. 10 spaces are reserved for Dutch SMEs and start-ups, so register fast!

Innovation Campus 

The Innovation Campus showcases innovative scientific approaches in the areas of industrial biotechnology and the bioeconomy through a dedicated poster presentation in the EFIB 2023 exhibition. 

Become an exhibitor or a sponsor 

Sponsoring and exhibiting at EFIB 2023 will allow you to build and develop relationships with influential business figures and key stakeholders, forge partnerships, build awareness of and maximise exposure to your organisation and products and services. Supporting EFIB 2023 is the best way to observe and discuss the latest market trends and research findings in the field of industrial biotechnology. Contact sponsoring@efibforum.com for more information. 

Visit HollandBIO at the Netherlands booth 

On behalf of the Dutch government and together with ChemistryNL, HollandBIO makes sure to give the Dutch biotech sector a prominent presence at the EFIB. With a striking booth, we showcase what the Netherlands has to offer in the life sciences field: as a place to do business, as an innovative business partner, as a top location for talent. Additionally the booth serves as the spot to meet with your compatriots. Our booth will include: 

  • an LCD screen, to showcase corporate videos of Dutch delegates (~ 1 min) – please send your video to Leonie so we can include you. 
  • places to showcase your flyers/folders in our NL booth – bring your materials to EFIB! 

Pre-congress drinks for Dutch delegation 

More info to be announced