BCF Career Event 2018

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Biggest career event in Life Sciences: BCF Career Event on 24 May 2018

BCF Career Event provides candidates from Life Sciences a total experience, on one day and at one location. The primary goal is to come into direct contact with employers and other career enhancing parties. As an organisation you can join BCF Career Event in order to meet over 2,000 potential candidates and present your company as top employer.

Besides meeting employers at the exhibition floor, visitors are able to participate in a programme filled with interesting presentations, workshops and career support activities. This event is intended for job seekers and students on different levels: BSc, MSc, PhD and Postdoc. BCF Career Event offers free entrance for all visitors who have registered online before 16 May via the website. If you are an employer and would like to participate, please the organization.

HollandBIO offers all her members who register with a stand 1 free job vacancy for BCFjobs.com worth €200.
If you are new to BCF Career, you also receive €250 discount on all packages.

More information?

Contact info@bcfcareerevent.nl or visit www.bcfcareerevent.nl.

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